Hi Pete

Thank you for your response.

I confirm that the wp-cli installed at /usr/local/bin

I did add the debug output with your hints and found the problem.

The PROBLEM is my wp-config.php file is not located at the same WP root folder.

Root WP folder: /var/www/mydomain.com/htdocs
wp-config.php file located at: /var/www/mydomain.com

So, if the cron command is /usr/local/bin/wp-update /var/www/mywebsite.com

I get the error:

Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.
Pass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download

if the cron command is /usr/local/bin/wp-update /var/www/mywebsite.com/htdocs

I get the error:

/var/www/turnkeywebsites.net/htdocs/wp-config.php does not exist. Did you specify the path to a WordPress install?

What should I do?

Best regards,