Hi Tom,

You didn't mention whether or not you'd installed wp-cli. That's essential for this update script to work. You also need to make sure that it's executable and that you've used the correct path to it. If you installed it using the .deb file then it will be at /usr/bin/wp and will therefore be in the environment $PATH, but if you installed it by other means then you may need to check that the update script can find it and execute it.

If you've confirmed that and the script still isn't working, you can get extra debugging information in two ways. The first is to tell cron to email you any output when it runs. You do that by adding MAILTO=you@example.com at the top of the crontab. (Obviously substitute in your email address!) This will only work if mail sending is correctly set up on your server, which isn't always the case for web servers.

The second way of debugging is to tell cron to save output to a log file. You'd need to check the log file manually rather than having it emailed to you, but it's more reliable. Change your cron command to something like this:

/usr/local/bin/wp-update /path/to/wordpress/site >> /tmp/wp-update.log 2>&1

The log location needs to writable by whichever user runs the cron job. /tmp is usually writable by all users, although it's not the most secure.

Hope that helps you solve the problem. If you're still stuck and need commercial help, please contact using the link at the top right of the page and we can take a look for you.

P.S. Regarding your question about email notifications, we haven't had time to investigate ways of doing those that aren't open to spam. I've made a note of your comments and will see if we can safely enable notifications in future.